News on the next ELECTION has been added under Chapter Announcements in the Forms!
Mentoring options have been added to your profile, please update your profiles. Options can be seen in the Directory.
The mission of the Chicago Chapter is to advance the local Chicagoland information security community by providing its members with opportunities to increase knowledge, grow professional networks, share information and advance the profession as a whole by promoting certification, ethical behavior, and social responsibility.
The Chicago Chapter of ISC2 is open to everyone, certified and uncertified alike, our one requirement is an interest in security! Membership costs $35 in yearly dues, which people easily recoup in the form of drinks an appetizer provided at meetings and networking events. Our chapter program is focused on sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas among security professionals in the local Chicagoland area. Ultimately, we want to advance the field of information security by educating practitioners and the public at large on how to protect and defend against security threats.
BTW – Our meetings are actually IN PERSON! You read that right! So many meetings went virtual during COVID and have never returned to in person, well not us! So if you miss those in person meetings.. look no further!
The ISC2 Chicago Chapter is also open to anyone looking to volunteer! Whether you have an interest in serving on the board, representing us at a booth at Secure World, or anything else you can thing of, we would love to have you! On a very basic level just having people getting the word out about who we are and what we do is great and much appreciated! If you want to try your hand at presenting, we are an easy going bunch that will work with you and see how we can help you get better with your presentation skills. Anyone have a connect or a desire to find us some SWAG for our members? Who doesn’t like a little SWAG! What if I’m not sure where I can help or even where I am headed with all this security stuff, well let work on getting mentoring going! Everyone is good at their own thing and you don’t need to have years and years of experience to mentor or be mentored! Sometimes being a mentor just means sharing a different view with someone. Even if someone does not have the answer you never know when a comment gets you thinking in a different direction! Come and join us and lets help each other get a head and security this crazy world of ours!
Forgot to mention, anyone interested on serving on the board of the chapter is required to be ISC2 certified, it’s not our rule, it comes from the top!